Create a virtual machine

Learn how to create and configure a virtual machine on CUDO Compute


Navigate to the project you wish to create a virtual machine in. Then either click "Create a virtual machine" in the top right of the project overview page, navigate to "Virtual machines" from the side navigation and do the same there, or follow this link.



Enter a name for your virtual machine. This will be used to identify your virtual machine in the virtual machines list.

Virtual machine name must be 1 to 30 characters in length, can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens, must start with a letter, cannot end with a hyphen and cannot be in use.

Data center

By default, your virtual machine will be deployed to the cheapest data center available depending on your configuration. If you have a specific data center you would like to deploy to, you can select it from the "Data center" options.

If your specification is not available in the data center you have selected, or your network, image or security groups you have selected are not available in the data center, the option to use that data center will be disabled.


Here you can configure your compute specifications.

  • GPU model - this is a range of GPU models to choose from
  • GPUs - this is used to select the amount of GPUs to attach to this machine
  • vCPUs - this is used to select the amount of vCPUs to attach to this machine
  • Memory (GB) - this is used to select the amount of memory to attach to this machine

Boot disk

You can configure your boot disk size using the slider and choose from either public or private images.

  • Public image - Mainly operating system images, these are available at all data centers. See our full public images list.
  • Private image - If you pick a private image, you will need to ensure that the virtual machine you are creating is deployed in the same data center as the private image.


The default network for your virtual machine will be the public network. This will give your virtual machine a public IP address and allow it to communicate with the internet.

You can also add private networks to your virtual machine. This will give your virtual machine a private IP address and allow it to communicate with other virtual machines on the same private network.

If you choose to use a private network, you will need to ensure that the virtual machine you are creating is deployed in the same data center as the private network.

If you have selected a private network, you can also select to also include a public IP address for your virtual machine. This will give your virtual machine a public IP address and allow it to communicate with the internet.

Security groups

You can also add security groups to your virtual machine. This will allow you to control the traffic that is allowed to and from your virtual machine.

Please note that without defining any security groups, all traffic will be permitted to and from your virtual machine. Defining security groups and rules is highly recommended.

If you choose to use a security group, you will need to ensure that the virtual machine you are creating is deployed in the same data center as the security group.

To select a security group, click the "Add security group" button and select the security group you wish to use. You can also create a security group from this menu.

SSH keys

You can configure the SSH keys you would like to be deployed to your virtual machine. You can choose from the following options:

  • Include all project collaborator keys - This will include the keys of all the users that you have given access to your project
  • Include only my keys - This will include just the keys you have added
  • Use custom keys - This will allow you to add any keys you wish for this virtual machine

Root/administrator password

You can configure the root/administrator password for your virtual machine.

For Windows images, you are required to set an administrator password.

Startup script

Additionally, you can add your own startup scripts - commands that will run on successful deployment of the virtual machine.


On the right-hand side, you can see a summary of your virtual machine, with estimated costs prior to creating it. You can also use the hourly/monthly toggle to show estimated pricings for those lengths of time.

Once you are happy, click "Create virtual machine" and your virtual machine will be built.