CLI tool command reference for help
$ cudoctl -h
usage: "cudoctl [global option...] <group> [group option...] [<cmd> [cmd option...]] [<sub cmd> [sub cmd option...]]"
Get started with "cudoctl init" to initialise a config interactively. Use "cudoctl config use <name>" to switch between config contexts.
basic groups:
config show and set the config context
ssh-keys manage ssh keys used to access VMs
search search for available compute resources
virtual-machines manage VM resources in a project
other groups:
api-keys manage long lived credentials that allow access to cudo
auth manage permissions for projects, data centers and billing accounts you own
billing-accounts billing accounts group spend and earnings for projects and data centers
data-centers host resources are grouped into data centers for management
disks manage disks in a project
object-storage manage object storage resources for the project
projects compute resources are grouped into projects for management
networks network resources for projects
security-groups security group resources for networks
global options:
-config string
the path to a config file to use (env: CUDOCTL_CONFIG) (default "/home/user/.config/cudo/cudo.yml")
-context string
the name of a config context to use (env: CUDOCTL_CONTEXT)
json output (env: CUDOCTL_JSON)
-session string
temporary authentication session token (env: CUDOCTL_SESSION)
-verbose int
output verbosity 0-2
show the version of cudoctl
Use "cudoctl [group [command]] -h" for more information about a given group or command.
parsing flag: help requested