Virtual machines

Manage virtual machines with the CUDO Compute CLI tool


A virtual machine is a billable computing resource. You need to create a project before you can create virtual machines. See cudoctl virtual-machines -h for more details.

Get a virtual machine

    $ cudoctl vm get ***VIRTUAL_MACHINE_ID***


Create a virtual machine

To create a virtual machine you will need to decide on:

  • -id a unique ID for your vm using lowercase letters, numbers and hyphens i.e. my-vm-1
  • -vcpus an integer representing how many virtual cpu cores are needed for your VM
  • -memory the system memory in Gigabytes as an integer
  • -gpus the number of gpus to add to the VM
  • -boot-disk-size the size of the oot disk ib GB as an integer
  • -machine-type a machine type ID, this can be found by running cudoctl search
  • -data-center the data center the machine type is in, must match the listing result from your cudoctl search
  • image the operating system image to use to boot the VM, this can be found using cudoctl search images
    $ cudoctl vm create -id my-vm-id \
-vcpus 12 -memory 24 -gpus 1 -boot-disk-size 100 \
-machine-type intel-broadwell-v100 \
-data-center us-santaclara-1 \
-image ubuntu-2204-nvidia-535-docker-v20241017


List all VMs in project

    $ cudoctl vm

- id: my-vm-id
  region: us-santaclara
  vcpus: 12
  memoryGb: 24
  gpuClass: V100
  gpuCount: 1
  image: ubuntu-2204-nvidia-535-docker-v20241017
- id: my-other-vm-id


Reset a virtual machine

    $ cudoctl vm reset ***VIRTUAL_MACHINE_ID***


Start a virtual machine

    $ cudoctl vm start ***VIRTUAL_MACHINE_ID***


Stop a virtual machine

    $ cudoctl vm stop ***VIRTUAL_MACHINE_ID***


Delete a virtual machine

    $ cudoctl vm delete ***VIRTUAL_MACHINE_ID***