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CUDO Compute launches a fairer distributed cloud platform

Jim Freeman

Jim Freeman

CUDO Compute is revolutionising the cloud industry by providing a democratic and sustainable alternative to the centralised cloud.

Why it matters: The cloud industry is growing rapidly as innovations in artificial intelligence (AI), scientific computing, and VR/AR tech continue to develop.

But the public cloud, as it exists today, is primarily owned by just three companies. This highly centralised cloud model faces several issues:

Through its distributed cloud marketplace, CUDO Compute is tackling these problems by providing an efficient, robust, and cost-effective way to connect buyers and sellers of computing power.

Create A Virtual Machine Page Screenshot of CUDO Compute 2022

CUDO Compute – Virtual Machine creation

Go deeper: CUDO Compute allows companies and individuals to find and use available compute resources more efficiently, moving beyond the inherent constraints of on-premise and centralised cloud environments.

This radical new cloud model provides a host of benefits, including:

  • Increased availability. Those seeking specific types of processing power (e.g., GPUs) can be easily matched with suppliers offering exactly what they need.
  • Lower cost. Computing suppliers can improve their returns by reducing under-utilised capacity, with corresponding price reductions for buyers.
  • Closer proximity. A geographically distributed cloud makes it far easier for those seeking computing power to find a location as close as possible to the point of delivery.
  • Reduced waste. Building new infrastructure has an environmental cost. Instead, CUDO Compute will help to maximise existing resources and take advantage of the billions of dollars of under-utilised computing resources available across the globe.

Marketplace Page Screenshot of CUDO Compute 2022

CUDO Compute – Marketplace

Learn more: The CUDO Compute Marketplace: buy the CPUs and GPUs you need

At launch, CUDO Compute offers a user-friendly cloud service allowing you to find and use virtual machines hosted by a wide range of data centre providers around the globe. Key features include:

  • A high-performance infrastructure offered at a fraction of the cost of existing cloud providers.
  • Access to latest-generation processors, including NVIDIA GPUs, Intel Xeon and AMD EPYC CPUs.
  • Robust security through hosting in data centers with ISO 27001 security and ISO 9001 quality certifications.
  • One-click solutions for businesses in a range of specialised applications, including data science, deep learning, rendering and more.


At present, CUDO Compute focuses on the following use cases and applications:

The future

CUDO Compute will serve as the infrastructure backbone for Web3 by eventually integrating with its sister company Cudos. The 100% carbon neutral Layer 1 blockchain offers low-cost, fast transactions.

Since Cudos is interoperable, it will integrate with all other major Layer 1 chains bringing cloud and blockchain closer together. Think Filecoin but for the entire compute stack where developers can access resources on and off-chain independent of the network where they launched.

Learn more: CUDO Compute – Development Update – October 2022

Projects Page Screenshot of CUDO Compute 2022

CUDO Compute – Projects

Enjoy the commercial and project acceleration benefits of expanding your access to scarce resources by contacting us or registering for an account at cudocompute.com!

About CUDO Compute

CUDO Compute is a fairer cloud computing platform for everyone. It provides access to distributed resources by leveraging underutilised computing globally on idle data centre hardware. It allows users to deploy virtual machines on the world’s first democratised cloud platform, finding the optimal resources in the ideal location at the best price.

CUDO Compute aims to democratise the public cloud by delivering a more sustainable economic, environmental, and societal model for computing by empowering businesses and individuals to monetise unused resources.

Our platform allows organisations and developers to deploy, run and scale based on demands without the constraints of centralised cloud environments. As a result, we realise significant availability, proximity and cost benefits for customers by simplifying their access to a broader pool of high-powered computing and distributed resources at the edge.

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