CUDO Compute powering pro
Cudo’s collaboration with is driving the global adoption of the decentralised cloud. Over the past three years, has been developing two decentralised platforms to enable the secure and sustainable sharing of computing power. and pro will provide individuals and businesses with a user-friendly and highly automated way to access computing resources. While the standard platform will allow communities of smaller-scale users to share their spare capacity, pro offers an enterprise-grade solution for those requiring high-end computing on demand.’s, the first blockchain project in Germany to receive a grant from the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) – resonates strongly with Cudo’s commitments to a sustainable future. As Tobias Adler, CEO and founder of, notes: “We share Cudo’s commitment to building a sustainable future for the cloud, and by working together, we’re aiming to accelerate the adoption of decentralised cloud solutions and support a wide range of endeavours, including scientific advancement.”
Beyond the shared vision, the collaboration’s sustained efforts aim to build relationships with users and put the necessary infrastructure in place. Consequently, pro will use CUDO Compute’s global network to power its offering for businesses and other large enterprises. The pro platform will offer improved resilience and cost savings by utilising CUDO Compute’s highly distributed network of compute providers located in secure and compliant data centers across the world.
As we move toward a post-COVID world, it’s clear that the surge in digital activity driven by the pandemic will not be reversed. In fact, we are likely to see the opposite. Beyond the permanent shift toward remote and flexible work, we’re also on the cusp of an economic and social transformation driven by a range of innovations, from machine learning and AI to VR/AR tech and the Internet of Things.
All these advances will require significant computing resources to power them. As a result, the cloud computing industry is expected to grow rapidly over the coming years, with the market forecast to double in size by 2026.
(Source: Twitter)
But for all the excitement inspired by the coming wave of digital transformation – especially the persistent and immersive virtual worlds of the metaverse – there are reasons to be wary. In its present form, the cloud computing industry is simply not fit for purpose. To meet the rapidly growing computing needs of what is being called the “fourth industrial revolution”, cloud computing will need to be transformed from the ground up.
The partnership between CUDO and the compute sharing platform is driven by our combined vision of what this transformation should look like. The future of cloud computing must be secure, sustainable, and decentralised. It must be adequate for not just the new wave of digital technologies but also the underlying paradigm shift of Web3.
By partnering, CUDO and are laying the groundwork for the future of cloud computing – a future in which everyone can benefit from the growing demand for computing power.
The growing risks of a centralised cloud
In its present form, cloud computing is unreliable and unsustainable, and both of these issues will worsen due to the expected rapid growth.
As a highly centralised industry dominated by a handful of providers, the cloud is prone to regular and costly outages. What is more, the cloud giants’ reliance on “hyperscale” data centers is posing ever-growing environmental risks.
The carbon footprint of the cloud industry has already reached that of commercial air travel, and this does not consider other, often-overlooked ecological consequences of the centralised model. For example, hyperscale data centers require vast quantities of water to keep them cool – water often sourced from regions that face growing drought issues. Understandably, the industry has often been reluctant to face up to its water consumption – Google even considered it a trade secret.
And then there’s the cost of replacing worn-out hardware. As with their water usage, most hyperscale providers are not forthcoming with how they replace servers and other components. But we do know that e-waste is a significant and often overlooked environmental issue, with devastating consequences for some of the world’s poorest regions.
In this context, the prospect of the cloud computing industry doubling in size no longer seems a promising development. In fact, it seems more like an impending ecological disaster.
If we are to reap the benefits of bleeding-edge innovations in the tech space, we need to find an alternative to this unsustainable model. And that’s why both CUDO and have turned to the transformative potential of blockchain.
The decentralised alternative
The blockchain-driven Web3 revolution represents an open, democratic, and decentralised future for the web. And while the focus to date has fallen on the prospect of decentralised applications (DApps) and interactive virtual worlds, the implications of Web3 are endless. They transcend the web to include a range of digital activities that increasingly shape our societies – and cloud computing is no exception.
In contrast to the highly centralised current model, CUDO Compute is a decentralised peer-to-peer cloud computing network. Anyone would be able to share their spare computing and earn.
(Source: Cudos blog)
This means that everyone benefits from the growth of the network. Moreover, it tackles the problem of e-waste by turning idle devices into potential sources of income. Ultimately, it opens a far more sustainable future for the continued growth of the cloud.
As Cudo’s VP of Sales Pete Hill puts it, “CUDO is committed to building a secure and sustainable future for cloud computing. We’re striving for a world where no computing power is wasted, and is the perfect partner to help us achieve this bold vision.”
Support our vision
We are starting invite-only testing soon. Reach out to discuss further!
About CUDO Compute
CUDO Compute is a fairer cloud computing platform for everyone. It provides access to distributed resources by leveraging underutilised computing globally on idle data centre hardware. It allows users to deploy virtual machines on the world’s first democratised cloud platform, finding the optimal resources in the ideal location at the best price.
CUDO Compute aims to democratise the public cloud by delivering a more sustainable economic, environmental, and societal model for computing by empowering businesses and individuals to monetise unused resources.
Our platform allows organisations and developers to deploy, run and scale based on demands without the constraints of centralised cloud environments. As a result, we realise significant availability, proximity and cost benefits for customers by simplifying their access to a broader pool of high-powered computing and distributed resources at the edge.
Learn more: Website, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Get in touch
About is a sharing economy platform for network computing based on BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing), created by a team based at Space Science Laboratory in 2002 to support scientific research in need of large computing calculations.
In 2022, received a grant, ‘Digital Now’, a funding program of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK), designed to encourage companies to invest more in digital technologies and the qualification of their employees.
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Learn more: LinkedIn , Twitter , YouTube , Get in touch .
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